Sunday, July 11, 2010

The long way to the sea

In one day planning a trip to Bahrain was made. I was not ready because I need to pack and think what to wear for the road trip. I wish I made my before we left at 4am. It wasn’t that hot when we left but after we came close to the Saudi sun was saying hi guys I’m still warming up. The four hour trip was not that bad thanks to transformers. Sleeping in the back seat was a nice way to take pictures. My brother was playing with his toys it was so awesome too see him enjoy his stuff. The only thing I was looking forward for was the hotel. Every time I travel I always wonder how the hotel will be its like my greatest pleasure. The hotel was near the sea which is the name. The god well always works is weird ways, we got the suite oh sweet!

The first thing that was in my mind was too sleep, two hours of sleep is not the way to go. Before I go to my own dreams I had to make a promise to my tinny brother to take him to the pool twice that day. I made him go and play for almost two full hours. Then sleep sweet sleep. Not really! Too much to think about ah! One or so hours was enough I guess. The mall was a city! City center. Three only thing I wanted to do to give my head some break is to shop for some shirts and shoes. The shirt part was fulfilled but the shoes part was not thanks to my huge feet. Walking for hours there was almost nothing to do. My way to pass time is to look at the people around and see how they can get out from their house with kind of style! The way they dress the way they walk the way they talk! Just wow.

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